02 December 2009


I've caught the fever.

Craigslist fever, that is.

I really didn't like it very much before yesterday.  I know you can get good stuff on there, and I have even used it to find stuff before, but not until yesterday did I begin to enjoy it.  It was when I found a coffee table for $10, a free 32" tv (that needs a repair, but that's not a problem when your husband is a handy guy), a free dresser, and a free leather sofa (that someone beat us out on).

Not bad for a day's furniture accumulation.

The thing that I didn't like about Craigslist before was that I would see something, fall in love with it and get all emotionally invested in it, and then try to contact the person and get no response or find out that it wasn't available any longer.  Heartbreak time after time.  Now, those of you who know me pretty well won't be surprised about this.  I can understand that it sounds a little crazy.  But that's the kind of girl I am.  I can't invest in anything emotionally without getting attached to it, and then I'm attached for life.  So you can probably see where I might have problems with it.

After getting the free chest of drawers home and the coffee table that cost me $10, I am converted.  I'm learning the way to not get attached to things but be casually interested until I know I've got it in the bag.  It's been working out well for me.

Wonder what I'll find today!?  So excited.

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