09 December 2009

Soon I Will Be Domestic Superhero Named Wonder Wifey.

I have stumbled across this blog named simplemom.net.  Love at first sight.  I read like two words on this thing and am hooked forever.  I'm not even a mom yet and I have found it so useful.  This only happened like, 2 whole days ago, and I have already begun to do some of the things that the author, Tsh, discussed...and it has made a huge difference.  One really cool thing about her is that she is a huge Dave Ramsey person, and the further into Total Money Makeover I get, I am too.

One of the major things that I did right away (literally...that very day) was to start what Tsh calls a Home Management Notebook.  It has revolutionized my life.  It's basically a binder that consists of about 20 dividers, and each section is where you keep all information relative to that topic.  It sounds pretty simple, but it has been so cool to assemble it and really begin to see how much it's going to simplify my life.

For instance, my divider sections are: Emergency info, Daily Dockets (essentially an agenda for each day that consists of to-do list, basic schedule, what's for dinner, space to write down what exercise you got, miscellaneous notes, and other stuff), monthly calendars, menu planning, grocery shopping (keep my master list in this divider and also notes about what costs more at which store, etc.), cleaning checklists and chore charts, Home/Office Information (like account numbers and passwords and all that miscellaneous information it's just so easy to forget), a pocket for grocery coupons, a pocket for other coupons, budgeting and bills, diet and exercise (for food logs and exercise notes), home maintenance, project lists, wants and needs list, Family Mission Statement (more on this later), birthday and address lists, a pocket for recipes I collect, and articles to keep.  It is an evolving project...I'll probably add several more as I discover what I need, and maybe even condense or combine a couple that I don't use as often.  But this is a great place to start, and it has already been tremendously helpful to have all this information in one place.  Granted, it sits beside me all day, but that's the point: I don't risk forgetting anything, and everything has a place where I'm sure to be able to locate it later.

I know some of you probably think this is excessive, especially for someone who doesn't even have kids yet...but man, does it work for me.  And when I DO have kids, I will be a step ahead (at least as far as the organization of our home goes).  Well...hopefully.

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