01 December 2009

Things Are Looking Up.

Well...my rosemary and lavender have sprouted!  They have been transplanted to another container where they can grow and flourish.  Well, hopefully.  If I can get the kittens to leave them alone.  The rest of the plants are doing well.  I really hope they keep on growing and don't die on me.  That might be more disappointing than if they had never sprouted to begin with.

My friend Wendy and her family are going to Disney World next week.  Her daughter Kelsey is a cheerleader and they have made it to the national round.  I am jealous.  I want to stow away in her suitcase.  I'd never fit, but I could try.  Disney World is my favorite place.  I have only ever been once, but that was enough for me to know that I wanted to move there and live in Cinderella Castle.  Or anywhere else, for that matter.  I still haven't given up hope that we will move to Orlando one day and I can go anytime I want.  I know almost everything there is to know about the parks, resorts, and restaurants.  I buy the Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World every couple of years and read it cover to cover.  Like a novel.  This week that they are going is the best week of the whole year to go, because it has the lowest population and it's already decorated for Christmas and the temperatures are mild and wonderful.  Most people who go this time of year will go for one of the holidays...Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Years.  The second week in December is perfect.  That's when we went 11 years ago.  Please, someone, take me back.  I beg you.

So Thanksgiving was good...I saw lots of family and did a fat lot of nothing.  I really meant to clean my apartment, but I just didn't have the energy.  I did take some pictures of my cousins' children, some of which I'm pretty happy with.  Those kids are so cute.  Between my four cousins and their spouses/significant others (one of which, Joseph, is not married to his longtime girlfriend Bridget and they don't have kids yet) there are 5 kids and 2 more on the way.  Lots of little ones.

Our tree is up and decorated.  I will post pictures.  It's our first Christmas tree!

I know this was a very random post, but I don't have any inspiring thoughts today.  Just many disjointed ones floating around my head.  Might as well get them out, huh?

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