23 November 2009

My Herbs, Oh, My Herbs!

My herbs are growing!

Let me, before there is a major misunderstanding that might lead to some pretty serious legal implications, specify: these are herbs for cooking. And also cat grass. Parsley, basil, rosemary, sage, lavender, thyme, and chives. NO marijuana. Although when I was at Borders a few weeks ago looking for books to do some research on herb gardens, there were like 3 books on growing actual herbs in an entire shelf full of books about growing (and smoking, and cooking with) The Herb. I think the guys nearby searching for books on being a wine connoisseur (they were converting from beer, they said) thought that I was really interested in weed. I plopped myself down on the ground in front of the shelf and settled in for awhile.

I digress.

This may not seem like a big deal, that my herbs are growing. It's not that hard. But you must understand this: I do not have a green thumb. It might very well be the only thing I've ever tried to do that I haven't been reasonably naturally adept at. I have a black thumb. But I decided that I wanted to grow plants, and I wanted to start with herbs, since I love to cook and what tastes better than fresh herbs? Extra incentive to get them to grow. So I did my research. I dragged Rob to the nursery to buy some seeds. I squealed and ooh'ed and aah'ed over the selection of seeds. We came home with our purchases and I planted my little seeds and put them in plastic freezer bags to create a greenhouse-type environment for them (except for the lavender, which I put in the refrigerator, since it seeds best when cold). Most of the seeds take a minimum of 5 days to seed, but my basil and cat grass seeded within 3 days of when I planted them! So I have this cute little baby basil growing now, as well as my chives, thyme, and sage. The cat grass (which I grew for the kittens to eat, since cats have a natural urge to eat grass because it aids their digestion...this is a healthy and safe alternative to grass for indoor cats, and it will help them not eat my other plants) just SHOT up. It's like 5 inches tall and it's only been just over a week!

I squealed with delight again when I came home from work today and saw a little seedling of parsley having just pushed through the soil since I have been home for lunch today! It's a big deal for me, because parsley is a notoriously long seeder and can take up to 60 days!

Maybe I'm the herb whisperer.

My lavender and rosemary (the two I'm most looking forward to growing, since I adore the smells) are the only two not to sprout yet. Updates to come, and probably pictures, too, since I feel about these plants the way most people probably feel about their firstborn children.

Not really, but close.


  1. I love the picture that this blog put in my head of you plopped down in front of a section of books at Borders; it brings me comfort because it brings to mind so many things about you that I love and appreciate and I just how greatful I am to have a wonderful friend like you who gets me and whom I have a lot in common with! YAY! For the herbs; Go, Kristen! I can't wait to see them! Keep blogging; I will definitely follow!

  2. Wow, Kristen!
    I never knew we had so much in common...I love to cook, especially with fresh herbs, but alas I have killed many a basil plant...dare I try again?
    Very entertaining blog and I will check back :-)

  3. I killed one and killed it good a couple of months ago. I'm trying to keep these alive. I think it's helping that I planted them from seeds, they feel a little more like "mine" and I take better care of them. Plus I have them inside under a fluorescent light that simulates sunlight, as my balcony is completely in the shade and there are no good sunny spots in my apartment.

    Glad you enjoyed the blog! Cool that we have things in common...that's what I enjoy about things like this...you find out things about people you would never have had the opportunity to know otherwise!

  4. Kristen,
    I enjoyed your blog...herbs are something I've never grown, but would love to learn more about them. You have a wonderful gift with words, that makes your blog welcoming.
    Keep it up...you never know when your might have your face on the jacket of your first novel!
    Linda J.


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